First Impressions

From the moment our guests pull in the parking lot, to the time they take their seats in the auditorium, the First Impressions Team is involved.

Remember back to your first visit to NorthRidge? Maybe you walked in nervous or unsure but immediately felt relief when someone said hello or assisted you. Well, guess what? You can be that friendly face for someone else! This team is the first impression of NorthRidge, and our goal is to help create remarkable experiences and provide a wow factor to all who come through the doors.

This team welcomes our first-time guests. They provide general information and help guests find their way around the building.  They serve our first-time guests by providing them with a genuine greeting, a personalized experience, and a friendly follow-up. If you like to help people feel at home, this is for you.

Schedule: Twice a month

Additional Information: Minimum age is 18.

As a greeter, you will be the first person to welcome our guests into the building. Providing a friendly smile and a warm hello really sets the tone for who we are at NorthRidge.

Schedule: Twice a month

Additional Information: Minimum age is 16.

Our Parking Team is the “first and last face” of NorthRidge. They help our guests enter and exit as efficiently as possible. Smile and wave at guests as they arrive and depart from parking lots. Direct guests to parking spots and the building, and direct guests out of the parking lot post service and events.

Schedule: Twice a month

Additional Information: Minimum age is 16, unless accompanied by an adult.

Section Hosts serve our guests in the Auditorium by initiating with a warm greeting, friendly presence, and clear directions to a seat. They are aware of all available seats in assigned sections and communicate to guests when sections are closed and redirect to open seating.

Schedule: Twice a month

Additional Information: Minimum age is 18

Would you like to serve in or learn more about these opportunities? Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form for your campus and a team leader will get in touch with you.

Volunteer Interest Form:  Plymouth | Brighton

About NorthRidge

Our mission is to wake the world up to Jesus.

upcoming events
Women’s Bible Study
RidgeKids 5th Sunday
Child Dedication





Wed, February 12

Scheduled events at all campuses (Plymouth, Brighton, and Sopa) are canceled this evening due to inclement weather.
Check back tomorrow morning for updates.

Stay safe and warm!