The Foundations courses are designed to strengthen your knowledge, understanding, and application of who God is and what your role is in the mission. Each course provides deeper dives into the foundational building blocks of the Christian faith: the story of God, our belief about God, and how we practice our faith in God.

Discover how the Bible tells God’s story and find your place in it!
If you have participated in Rooted, taking the Story Course is the next step. The experience includes learning through reading, receiving in-person teaching each week, and reflective discussions with other participants. This course meets for ten weeks. There is a $10 fee for coursework. There is a book to purchase on your own.
Fill out the Interest Form for more information about Story.

After completing Story, the next step is to engage in Belief. Explore what we believe, why, and how it applies to everyday life!
This course will ask you to consider the depth and beauty of who God is and who He has created you to be. We’ll reflect on and discuss life’s biggest questions regarding faith in God! This course meets for ten weeks. There is a $10 fee for coursework. There is a book to purchase on your own.
Fill out the Interest Form for more information about Belief.

It’s important to know what we believe; it’s also crucial to put it into practice in our day-to-day lives!
This experiential course will not just teach you what the core practices of Christianity are; it will also help you grow in your confidence and passion for engaging them. The experience includes learning through reading, receiving in-person teaching each week, and reflective discussions with other participants. This course meets for ten weeks. There is a $10 fee for coursework. There is a book to purchase on your own.
Fill out the Interest Form for more information about Practice.

After moving through Story, Belief, and Practice, you’ve gained a lot of knowledge and understanding about God and your faith, and you have the tools to put it into practice.
So why does it sometimes feel like you’re stuck? Why aren’t you always growing like you used to? Is there something you’re missing, forgetting, or can’t seem to overcome?
Join us as we explore what it means and looks like to be formed spiritually. You’ll walk away with a deeper sense of who God is, who He truly created you to be, and how He forms His people over a lifetime.
Fill out the Interest Form for more information about Formation.