Stewardship and Generosity


What is it?

Stewardship is another way of saying that we are managers of all God has entrusted to us.

This includes our time, talents, money, power, relationships, and everything else in our lives. Everything we have is a gift from Him.

God desires that we also will become generous in expressing our love to Him, and to others. Because when we do…lives will be changed and eternity impacted!

Wake more people up to Jesus by equipping leaders to influence others to become and grow in Christ.

Being a Catalyst of Change

Our vision at NorthRidge is to Wake the World Up to Jesus, Show Them His Love, Tell Them His Truth, and Involve Them. Though the mission is clear, there is still one key detail we must address: “What is God calling us to do collectively as a church to reach our “thems”?

While the tools of time, energy, and innovation will certainly push these efforts forward, we still rely on other tools – resources being one of them. Investing in the Kingdom is necessary and part of our discipleship journey with Jesus. It is here that we learn to develop trust and understand more of God’s heart and character. This then helps our hearts begin to look more like His.

Life Change

Wake more people up to Jesus by taking the gospel to where the people are…ONLINE.

Church Change

Wake the world up to Jesus by further developing a world class church staff capable of leading NorthRidge successfully into the next generation.

Leader Change

Wake more people up to Jesus by equipping leaders to influence others to become and grow are followers of Christ.

World Change

Wake more people up to Jesus by expanding our ability to show His love to the poor, hurting and broken in our world.

Matthew 6:21

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Explore Giving Options

Give Online

This is a safe, secure way to give with an account to the ministries of Northridge. You can also set up recurring gifts, view giving history and tax statements.

Text to Give

Text any dollar amount to the phone number 84321 to set up your giving. Once registered, text the number at any time with the amount you would like to give. Example: “$100”

Planned Giving

NorthRidge has developed a way for you to consider “legacy giving” through our Gift Planning Ministry.

Stock Gving

Marketable Securities are a great way to maximize your giving, because you receive an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of your securities.

upcoming events
Women’s Bible Study
RidgeKids 5th Sunday
Child Dedication





Wed, February 12

Scheduled events at all campuses (Plymouth, Brighton, and Sopa) are canceled this evening due to inclement weather.
Check back tomorrow morning for updates.

Stay safe and warm!