Counseling Resources

Additional solutions for your need

Licensed counselors in the community are recommended when dealing with personal crises, chronic marriage concerns, etc. Let us provide information about counselors we know and trust who can meet your needs.

Disclaimer: We realize that connecting with a licensed counselor is sometimes necessary when individuals are facing difficult decisions, life transitions, trials, and personal crises. On this website, we have selected counselors in the community who will provide wise care and counsel to you. To find the most appropriate counselor to assist you, we encourage you to interview more than one person before making a final selection.

As you interview potential counselors, consider your needs and what you hope to accomplish. This dialogue will help you select the most appropriate individual or agency for your needs. Attaining counselor information from this site acknowledges the release of liability from any claim or litigation involving NorthRidge Church.

Downloading either of the lists means you agree to the above disclaimer. If you need further assistance, please contact Care Ministries at NorthRidge Church at 734.414.7777.


About NorthRidge

Our mission is to wake the world up to Jesus.

upcoming events
Kids’ Choir Performance
STRIVE Financial Boot Camp
Men’s Equip Rally





Wed, February 12

Scheduled events at all campuses (Plymouth, Brighton, and Sopa) are canceled this evening due to inclement weather.
Check back tomorrow morning for updates.

Stay safe and warm!