STRIVE Financial Boot Camp

Virtual Workshop

There may be no better time to get our finances in shape than now! Join us for a one-hour introduction and a two-week virtual workshop to start exercising your financial muscles and get them into shape! You will learn the importance of having a plan, saving, and how debt impacts your plan. Together, we will…

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Kingdom Stewardship Study

Virtual Study

In Kingdom Stewardship, Dr. Tony Evans inspires you to broaden your perspective of stewardship. You will learn that stewardship includes how you manage all that God has given you―your time, your talents, and your treasures―to advance God’s kingdom and bring Him glory. Join others for this 8-week study and discover when you bring your entire…

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Retirement Roots

Plymouth Campus

What does the Bible say about retirement? It’s a question that doesn’t often come up in traditional retirement planning. Still, Scripture not only mentions the concept, but it overflows with wisdom, ideas, and characters of the Bible that can be used to help people make a successful transition from work life to home life. Retirement…

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upcoming events
Shelter Kits
Starting Point | Brighton
Starting Point for Kids | Brighton





Wed, February 12

Scheduled events at all campuses (Plymouth, Brighton, and Sopa) are canceled this evening due to inclement weather.
Check back tomorrow morning for updates.

Stay safe and warm!